II: What He Did
By the time Jeffy reached the tree line, it was cold. He could see his breath. He’d forgotten his gloves, so the one holding the book was freezing. His dad’s coat was warm enough, though, and he could even smell his dad in the fabric. When he put his free hand in a pocket, he felt something. It felt like a ring, but when he took it out to look at it, he couldn’t see it well at all in the dimming light.
The woods were dark and deep and reminded him of a poem he’d read in English class. There was already frost on top of fallen leaves. He couldn’t see a trail, though he knew one was there. He walked slowly and carefully, but it still sounded to him like he crunched every dry leaf in his path. The moonlight, which he had been able to navigate by when he first entered the woods, was now hidden by clouds.
It a short while, he was quietly convinced that he was lost.
He strained to see into the growing night and strained to listen for the approach of anyone else on the covered trail or from the woods, but he was still surprised when Walking Sam stepped in front of him and leaned forward.
Now, where you goin’, little man? Where you coming from?
He felt the words instead of hearing them.
Walking Sam was tall and thin and almost featureless like a burned out streetlight. He wore a black top hat the would have looked right at an old-time funeral. He was an unnatural black from hat to boot—his shoes, his jacket, and even his skin. His only speck of color was a red glow in his eyes. Jeffy couldn’t see a mouth, but he could still hear Walking Sam’s voice, a smooth, inviting monotone that was completely opposite his alarming appearance.
This here is not a place for little boys. No, indeed, I said. It’s mighty dark out here for someone so small.
Jeffy stood as tall as he could—about half Walking Sam’s height—and tried to stop his lip from trembling.
“You took my dad,” he said. “And I want him back.”
Walking Sam’s jacket twitched in the wind—but there was no wind. Jeffy thought he could see movement just inside the jacket’s lining, but the Walking Sam leaned close, snapping Jeffy’s focus back and taking his breath away.
Well, almost everything’s for trade, isn’t it now? That’s indeed what I said. What could you have to trade to me for the likes of your pappy?
Walking Sam blinked. Jeffy found this more terrifying than even the creature’s towering height, which seemed to grow taller by the second. The brief moment when the red eyes vanished and the blackness came in was worse than he could have imagined.
“Why should I trade?” he heard himself say. I’m so brave, he thought. I’m not a bully at all! “You stole something. I shouldn’t have to give you anything for something that didn’t belong to you to begin with.”
He backpedaled, leaves crackling like fire beneath his feet, as Walking Sam drew closer still.
I’m no thief, my boy. Huh-uh. I’m all about the deal, and what’s fair for me is just about fair for you, don’t you think? What’s that there you got? How about that book? I suppose I might be willing to take that on and see if I can’t find someone else to trade with later on.
“No. This is mine.” He stuck his hand in his jeans pocket and came out with the wallet Mama had given him last Christmas. “I have two dollars.”
Two dollars. I suppose that’ll let you take a look.
With trembling fingers, Jeffy pulled the bills from his wallet. Walking Sam reached for them, and when he touched them, they vanished as if they’d never existed.
Walking Sam seemed taller for the deal.
With long black fingers, he pulled back the hem of his jacket. There, in the blackness underneath that seemed almost impenetrable, hung a dozen paper cutouts on a piece of black string. They were shaped like people. Each one was six inches long with black thread pierced through both shoulders to hang them from the string. Jeffy stared so hard he could feel his eyes drying out.
They looked exactly like photographs of people. He stopped breathing—one of them was Mrs. Fitzgerald, who ran the Smart Mart and who everyone said moved back to Rapid City to take care of her aging mom. As he stared, Mrs. Fitzgerald’s eyes moved.
Her mouth fell open in a silent scream.
Then Walking Sam flapped his jacket closed again.
That was a pretty good gander, indeed, I said. So, what’s for trade next?
Jeffy took a step back, clutching his dad’s book to his chest with one hand. “Nothing. He wasn’t there. No trades.”
He took another step, afraid to turn his head to look behind him. The woods seemed alien now, as if he’d never seen them before. It was dark above and dark below. Walking Sam’s head cocked, and his red eyes blinked again so quickly that Jeffy felt a scream rising in his chest.
“I want to go home,” he whispered.
Walking Sam curved above him like a canopy. Well, I know a thing or two still. I suspects I know where to find your pappy. It’s Geoffrey, isn’t that right? Just like your name, how about that?
Jeffy’s knees began to shake. He could feel himself about to lose his balance.
“Where is he?” His voice was hoarse. “Give him back. If you have him, give him back, Walking Sam.”
That’s my name, all right. You’re a smart boy. What will you give me if Pappy’s coming home?
The book? No. He couldn’t think. Walking Sam kept coming closer. He realized he didn’t know how to use the book—his dad had told him about mapping and essence and cards, but it was all getting confused in his mind now. He didn’t dare look away. If he took his eyes off him, Walking Sam would fall on him like the jaws of black steel trap, chewing him up. His hand slipped into his pocket, groping, finding, and bringing it out.
He held it up to Walking Sam, and at last, moonlight broke through the treetops again. He could see the ring clearly now; he’d seen it a thousand times before, on his father’s finger. It was his dad’s wedding ring.
“This?” His voice was so quiet, he wasn’t sure Walking Sam had heard him. But then the tall, gaunt man who he’d stupidly come to challenge draped over him until the moonlight was gone again.
Now that there’s a deal. Let’s guide pappy home, shall we?